Saturday, May 14, 2016

Bridgeton BUST

Well, Bridgeton went wrong on so many levels.  First of all,  we had to ride the worst roads in to get there.  Narrow,  hilly, and the pavement was so broken you wouldn't believe it.  My bike was fine.  Brian's Harley really isn't suited for crappy roads like that. 

Once we got into "town", there really wasn't much to see.   We rode through the tiny town, saw a bunch of little shops that looked like they weren't open, and continued on down the road, stopping at an old school.  Here are some photos....see how many things you can spot that are wrong. 

We talked to one of the locals on how to get out of there and onto a main road without riding the same obstacle course.  He gave us some half ass directions, but initially they seemed good.  While trying to find a damn GPS signal,  I managed to drop my bike, slamming me onto the ground, bending my brake lever.  That's going to hurt later...I can tell you for sure. 

Back on with the locals directions.  We stop briefly and I have a cell signal again - YES!  We start following the GPS directions again, which aren't too bad, UNTIL we come to a gravel road and it's telling me to turn right onto it.  Looking ahead, it says the main road that we really want to be on is 1.5 miles ahead.  Brian is PISSED at this point,  but he got even more pissed at the end of the road.  I certainly understand,  and didn't plan on gravel roads.  There were parts of it that were deep, loose gravel.  I kept thinking as I rode my dirt bike through it, "Brian is going to be PISSED".  And he was.  But we got back on a main road and just stopped off at a redneck gas station / subway to eat.   Leaving here soon....another 135 miles to go today.....more later tonight.

1 comment:

  1. poor harley riders. got to keep those wheels looking sharp haha

